Workflow International Day

Bambino Schools is a multicultural educational institution that aims to provide quality education to students of diverse nationalities, cultures, races, religions, and backgrounds. The school embraces this diversity and on its International Day on the 6th of March, the school celebrated this diversity.

The school is host to students from a wide range of countries. The day saw presentations from Zambian, South African, Tanzanian, Mozambican, Nigerian, American, Congolese, Turkish, Malawian and Indian Students. Students had an opportunity to share information, languages, cultural practices, dances, food and so much more of their countries of origin.
Performances of Gule Wamkulu, enactment of an Indian wedding, the spread of jollof rice, pondu, chapati, and madesu, poems and hilarious skits enraptured the hearts of all in attendance.

Being a Baha’i inspired School, the school stands firm in the belief that humanity needs to unite in its diversity. The International Day was a true testament to this unity. All present gained an appreciation of our differences and the beauty in the world that it creates. This is one aspect that makes Bambino Schools unique and an amazing environment for any child to learn and grow in.

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A Report On Chess Tournament Held On 18th February 2020

The tournament was organized by Interserv Business Bureau and it was sponsored by ZAMM Investments. The aim of the tournament was to assist students in solving real-life problems.

The tournament was among Bambino High School Students. Please click here to view the teams.


Bambino School is providing an employment opportunities to individuals how might be interested in the following positions:

Nursery School

  • Supervisor- to manage the Nursery section.
  • Assistant Teacher ( Temporary)

High School

  • Head Teacher – To manage the High School section
  • Teachers
    • French and English
    • French and Chichewa
    • Accounting and Business Studies
    • ICT

Boarding Section

  • Matron – To manage the girls boarding section
  • Matron Assistant

Special Education Need and Disabilities Department

  • Assistant Teacher

For more information please click here to view the full details regrading these job opportunities

2018 Opening Newsletter

14th September, 2018

It gives us pleasure to welcome you to the first term of the 2018/19 academic year which promises to be very exciting .The teachers are geared to travel with you on this educational journey. To our parents new and old, we are thrilled to have you on board .May l thank you for the trust you have endowed on us to be the education providers for your wards .The School will do its best to deliver on its mandate to provide quality education and to be always responsive to the needs of its stakeholders. Education yields better where parents are involved so we hope you will actively take a positive interest in all the school activities and where necessary participate in the events the school will host during the course of the year. The following is a summary that we hope will help you to be conversant with your school and its day to day operations.

Your Team


Standard Teacher Standard Teacher
1 North Mrs Mkathama 5 Mr Spoko
1 South Ms Chizinga Mrs Banda
2 North Miss Ng’oma Mr Kawesa
2 South Miss Mdoka 6 Mr Kamangala
2 East Mrs Nyoni Mr Banda
3 North Mrs Foster Miss Ndovie
3 South Mr Njatiyamoyo 7 Mr Mlinde
4 North Mr Chiphwanya Mr Monjeza
4 South Miss Chisambi Mr Chirwa


Subject Teacher Subject Teacher
ICT Mr Kachere (Bus Coordinator) French Mr Kibatcha
PE Mr Chisale & Mr Kanike Music Mrs Zungeni

Deputy head teacher-Mrs T. Zungeni ( 0888359398)



Opening Day 4th September 2018
Consultation Day 12th October 2018
Mother’s Day 15th October 2018
Mid Term Break 16th –19th October 2018
Silver Jubilee 27th October 2018
Coffee Night 16th November 2018
End of Term Examinations 26th – 30th November 2018
Closing Day 6th December 2018
Collection of School Reports 7th December 2018



The school hopes that parents will settle school fees within the two week time frame as stated on the enrolment forms. Failure to do so will see your ward being sent out of the class. Avoid this unnecessary inconvenience to your wards.

To parents with more than one ward from same family also take advantage of the 5% discount offered by the school when you pay cash.

Why also spend the whole day in the bank queue? You can pay using your bank cards (VISA) by swiping at the cashier’s office. You can also pay using Mo626 and send us a report that shows the payment.

Account Name Bambino Schools
Account Number 1227599
Bank National Bank
Branch Capital City
Fax 01761372
Email ​



The school will send a newsletter on opening and closing days. During the term information will be relayed through class teachers. We also have a Facebook page so you may check for updates and information.



Our closing letter had a summary of our standard 7 results. Let us also share with you a summary of the 2017/IGCSE form five results.

A* A B C D E F G U
BIOLOGY 2 3 10 9 6 6 2 3
BUSINESS STUDIES 1 2 8 9 6 4 1 1
CHEMISTRY 1 1 5 6 1 5 2
ENGLISH 2nd 4 13 7 8 3
ENGLISH 1st 1 1 1
GEOGRAPHY 1 1 6 12 5 4 5 1
ICT 1 2 2 3 2
MATHEMATICS 1 2 11 8 9 2
PHYSICS 1 2 7 9 6 7 5 1 3
TOTAL 5 13 46 70 41 45 24 5 13



Our Primary Car Park if used with consideration, is able to serve all cars coming to pick wards especially during the knock of time. Teachers will help direct traffic where necessary and it is our wish that no vehicle should not take more than 10 minutes during pick up and drop periods.

Let’s observe the following:

  • All learners to be picked within 30 minutes of dismissal.
  • No car should block the road.
  • No car should remain in the car park after picking or dropping the wards.
  • When there is congestion follow direction of teachers.

You may also suggest on how we can improve the flow of traffic through your groups.



The school offers diverse range of extracurricular activities that include sporting activities and clubs. Each learner is expected to actively participate in such activities. Sports days are Mondays for Junior Section; Tuesdays and Thursdays for Senior Section apart from PE lessons they have. The senior classes have houses which are used during sporting activities and each house has a T-shirt colour, so take note.

We also have swimming lessons every Friday at a fee of 20,000 per month. Interested parents should make payments at the cashier’s office.

Mulanje Green
Nyika White
Shire Black
Lengwe Grey
Kasungu Blue
Zomba Red



All notebooks to be covered by transparent plastic covers for durability as learners will be allowed to carry them home for revision and homework purposes. It is also advisable for them to only carry books they will use or read on that particular day.

Always encourage learners to be very responsible with their notebooks and properties.

  • No soup, drinks allowed on notebooks.
  • Books should never be left home.
  • Homework will always be given. Remember as a parent you have a role to play. Don’t do homework for them but encourage them and where possible give guidance.

*The school provides textbooks but parents are also free to buy for their wards extras. Prescribed books are; – The Cambridge Global English, Maths, Science. It covers standard 1 – 7. For English reading and composition improvement; Sunrise Readers.


We wish you a very fruitful academic year.

D. Makuta 0996960548






Bambino Nursery School Newsletter

Dear Parent/ Guardians,

Welcome back to Bambino Nursery School our dear parents and learners. Special welcome to our new parents and thank you for the right choice you have made to join the Bambino family. Newsletters of this kind constitute the main form of communication from school to parents. It is advisable that they are read carefully because they contain very important information. We also encourage direct contact between the class teacher and a parent. We hope to have the usual support from all of you parents as it has been the case before.

Know Your Teachers

Class Name of Class Teacher Phones Name of Assistant Phone
Baby Mrs. C. Mbale 0999335605 Miss H. Chamveka 0888720033
Toddler Mrs. C. Mussa 0991811318 Miss C. Mkandawire 0881984874
Middle Miss T. Chiyenda 0881479379
Ms. J. Nanthowa
Mrs. V. Banda
Reception 1 Ms. M. Gondwe 0995878713 Miss. C. Maleta 0884047748
Reception 2 Ms. S. Mvula 0999419711
Mrs A. Storey 0993839024

Term Calendar (14Weeks)


Date Events
4th September 2018-2019 school year started
29th September Silver Jubilee
1st – 5th October Parents and Teachers discussions
15th – 19th October Mid Term Break
2nd November Trip to Kusewera village
9th November Baha’i Holiday
14th November Open Day
30th November Christmas Party
7th December End of first Term school loses. Parents collecting progress reports.

Daily Routine

Lessons begin at 8:00am and all learners are expected to be in class no later than 7:50am. There is always a teacher at the car park from 7:00 – 7:45am. Learners arriving after the stated time will have to be escorted to the class by the adult bringing them. We hope to have the usual support from you parents.



Reception and middle class will be given homework as soon as they have settled down and are familiar with what they are doing. This should remain with your child throughout the year and will act as the first means of communication between home and school.

Home work will be sent three times a week, Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Please make sure this home work is returned the next day. If they scribble on other pages or tear the papers, you will be required to buy a new book, as
there will be no room.


New Parents Meeting

A special invitation to all our new parents this Friday 14​th September 2018. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 13:00hrs and end at 14:00hrs. The main agenda is getting to know each other as well as sharing a bit about your expectations and ours.

Silver Jubilee

This year, Bambino Schools will be celebrating 25 years and the event will be held on 29​th of September 2018. A more detailed letter about the event will follow.

SCORES 5.0-6.0 4.0-4.9 3.0-3.9 2.0-2.9 TOTAL PASS 1.0-1.9 0.0-0.9 TOTAL
MATHS 4 3 11 11 29 10 6 45
ENGLISH 14 7 12 9 42 3 0 45
SCIENCE 12 12 13 5 42 2 1 45
TOTAL 30 22 36 25 15 7 45


Examination results for Primary Checkpoint

Last academic year, Bambino Primary School had standard 7 students who sat for the Cambridge Primary Checkpoint and below is a summary of the outstanding results. Some of the students were graduates from Bambino Nursery School and we share with Bambino Primary School this outstanding performance:


High School Cambridge IGCSE Results

In the same year, some of our Bambino Nursery School graduates managed to sit for Bambino High School examination in the Cambridge IGCSE examinations and we also share the outstanding performance:

A* A B C D E F G U
BIOLOGY 2 3 10 9 6 6 2 3
BUSINESS STUDIES 1 2 8 9 6 4 1 1
CHEMISTRY 1 1 5 6 1 5 2
ENGLISH 2nd 4 13 7 8 3
ENGLISH 1st 1 1 1
GEOGRAPHY 1 1 6 12 5 4 5 1
ICT 1 2 2 3 2
MATHEMATICS 1 2 11 8 9 2
PHYSICS 1 2 7 9 6 7 5 1 3
TOTAL 5 13 46 70 41 45 24 5 13


Day Care

Nursery School offers daycare which starts at 12:00 noon soon after classes and finishes at 4:45 pm. We recommend that all parents observe the knocking off time as late picking up will attract a penalty of K1, 000 paid on demand. The school provides a well-balanced diet.


Fees Reminder

All Parents please note the fees for 2018-2019 academic year are as follows:

Class Fees (MK)
Nursery 150,000
Day care 70,000
Nursery + Day care 220,000
Reception 180,000 (250,000 with daycare​)


All new learners are expected to pay the full amount of school fees upon acceptance into the school. For returning students, the school encourages parents to pay all fees on or before the first day of the term. However, for those who might not have done so, please be advised that the grace period for the fees ends on 14th​ September 2018.

All fees must be deposited into the school account. Below are the details.

Account Name Bambino Schools
Account Number 1227599
Bank National Bank
Branch Capital City
Fax 01761372
Email ​

Remember to send the deposit slip to our Accounts
Office, fax or email.



We encourage all our learners to be in our school colours everyday ​ except Wednesdays (during which they have P.E) and Fridays when they dress according to the colour of the week.​ Uniform can be purchased from the school’s tuck shop located at the primary school.

Should there be any queries, please feel free to call either of the numbers below.

Thank You

Masozi Gondwe
Nursery Supervisor​ – 0881 725 165/0995878713

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